The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship has announced it is joining an ongoing legal battle over predatory lending practices.
The Fellowship said it “is requesting ‘intervenor’ status in a case filed by two industry associations challenging the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau rule that will strengthen protections for consumers against predatory lending tactics.”
The rule in question is scheduled for implementation in August 2019.
In April, two industry groups filed the initial litigation against the bureau in federal court in Austin, Texas.
“Because CBF believes strongly in the importance of the current rule, CBF has asked the court to allow it to step into the shoes of a defendant and take the litigation steps necessary to defend the CFPB’s rule against the industry associations’ claims,” the Fellowship said.
It’s approach will rely on work by field personnel, pastors and churches, CBF said. It will be represented by the Public Citizen Litigation Group and the Equal Justice Center.
Fundraiser for Hurricane Maria victims
American Baptist Home Mission Societies and American Baptist Churches USA are launching a new One Great Hour of Sharing $1 million fundraising goal coinciding with the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria striking Puerto Rico.
The effort ultimately seeks to raise $5 million, American Baptist News Service reported. All gifts will be used to help with storm recovery in Puerto Rico.
Donations can be made in American Baptist churches or online. Checks can be mailed to the attention of Kim Wilkins, American Baptist Home Mission Societies, P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA, 19482-0851.
Helping Student.Go
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Texas was recently honored for its ongoing support of Student.Go, Fellowship Southwest recently announced.
Student.Go provides students opportunities to work with CBF missionaries and ministry partners.
CBF’s Global Missions division presented an award to Rick McClatchy, CBF Texas coordinator, and Jorge Zapata, associate coordinator, during a meeting of Fellowship state and regional leaders. The award recognized the “investment in the lives of students” through support of Student.Go.
An occasional compilation of events from around the religious world. To suggest items for inclusion, email assistant editor Jeff Brumley at [email protected].