“If Sharron Angle feels that way, I’m the last person in the world to ever criticize her for thinking that she’s called of God to run against me. If she believes that, that’s something that’s between her and her God.”
Harry Reid
The Democratic Senate Majority Leader was responding in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network to his Republican opponent’s comment that she felt a divine “calling” to defeat him. (RNS)
“I over-repented.”
Ted Haggard
The former megachurch leader, who got caught in a gay sex scandal and has started a new Colorado church, was speaking to the Wall Street Journal about he accepted too much guilt after the scandal erupted. (RNS)
“France, with all its power and clout, can’t touch the head-cover of a nun, but it can assault any face-veiled woman.”
Ayman al-Zawahri
Al-Qaida’s No. 2 leader was responding to a proposal by the French National Assembly to ban the full-face Islamic veil. He was quoted by the Associated Press. (RNS)