Following the Star, the devotional series for Advent and Christmas, returns to starting Dec. 3. This series features Scripture, prayer and meditative thoughts accompanied by gentle music.
This year’s writers are active members of d365’s three sponsoring denominations.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship writers are Kelly Rhodes Adams, director of clergy support ecosystem at CBF, and Chris Aho, director of thriving congregations at CBF.
Episcopal writers are Cody Maynus, priest-in-charge at All Saints Episcopal Church in Northfield, Minn., and Marcia Quintanilla, minister for youth at Christ Church Cathedral in Houston.
Presbyterian Church (USA) writers are Cari Pattison, pastor at The Woodstock Reformed Church in Woodstock, N.Y., and Marissa Galván-Valle, pastor at Beechmont Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Ky.
Devotions include hymn and carol arrangements from musicians Joseph Martin, David Burroughs, Mark Hayes and Carter Harrell.
Following the Star is part of the year-round devotional website and app, d365, a ministry of Passport. Daily devotionals are available 365 days of the year on and through free Apple and Android apps.