“If I were advising him, I’d tell him to give a one-line speech and say, ‘Hey, at least I'm not a Muslim.’ ”
Arsalan Iftikhar
The contributing editor to Islamica magazine was referring to the advice he’d give to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a Mormon, for a possible 2012 presidential campaign. (RNS)
“There are actually 34 of us, because God has never left us down here.”
Jimmy Sanchez
The Chilean miner, one of 33 trapped underground for more than two months, was writing in a letter sent up during his captivity. (RNS)
“We speak of homosexuals as a particular class of especially depraved sinners and we lie about how homosexuals experience their own struggle. Far too many evangelical pastors talk about sexual orientation with a crude dismissal or with glib assurances that gay persons simply choose to be gay.”
Albert Mohler
The president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary was writing on his website of Christian complicity in the rash of gay teens committing suicide. (RNS)