The Program Committee is responsible for preparing the order of business for the annual meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia and assuring that worship is emphasized during the meeting.
The Committee has chosen the theme, “A Story Worth Living,” reflecting our call as children of God to live a life that models redemption and embodies the values of Jesus Christ. Virginia Baptists will be considering ways to be the presence of Christ in the world through our words and deeds.
The term “the world” can seem far too general and disconnected from where most of us live every day. It is our hope that over these days, we can focus on specific ways to love people where we are every day. “A Story Worth Living” is an unfolding narrative that we each write when we act in loving and redemptive ways in the marketplace. The Gospel of Christ is indeed “A Story Worth Living.” We invite you to immerse yourself in the resources of Virginia Baptists in Hampton this week and take home tools to pen your own story.
Virginia Baptists are fortunate to have four first-rate speakers to guide us in our times of worship. Reggie McNeal of the Leadership Network, Leena Lavonya, Rob Edwards, and Valerie Carter will inspire and challenge us. In addition, we will be led by an outstanding corp of musicians to awaken our hearts to the presence of God in worship.
The Committee encourages messengers to give feedback on the meeting through the evaluation form. This form is taken seriously in planning for future meetings.
The Committee makes the following recommendations:
1. That the program, as printed, be adopted as the agenda of the 2010 meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia.
2. That times on the program are indicated merely as guidance.
3. That, in order to expedite discussion, debate on all matters will be limited to three minutes per speaker, and that speakers, pro and con, be alternated.
4. That future sites for the Annual Meting be adopted as:
- 2011: November 8-9 (Tuesday-Wednesday) Richmond Convention Center
- 2012: November 13-14 (Tuesday-Wednesday) Roanoke Area
Philip Mitchell, Chair
Brian Hughes
Yulanda Humphreys
Jean Kelpin
Roger McGee
Jeff Raymond
Mila Spaulding
Dale Tadlock
Andy Vaughn