“The story of evangelical theology is not so much getting someone saved and getting them to heaven, but it is Christ redeeming not only the individual person but all creation as well. You’re seeing a transformation of, or a maturity of, interpreting Scripture to do with God’s broader agenda of redemption to things, beyond just the personal, individual salvation.”
Joel Hunter
The pastor of Northland Church in Orlando, Fla., was speaking on why increasing numbers of Christians are concerned about the environment. (RNS)
“Whoever controls the words that are used in translation ultimately controls how we are able to think about theological issues. The words open or close doors for our understanding of God. And ultimately, the words determine who has status in the church, and who does not.”
Jim Evans
The pastor of First Baptist Church in Auburn, Ala., was commenting on Bible translations. (RNS)
“I can no longer justify spending my short time in this world participating in or supporting war. … I must try to save souls, not help take them.”
Michael Barnes
The conscientious objector was speaking after being granted his status by a federal judge. (RNS)