“I know some people won’t agree with it, but I think they can at least respect that I stand up for what I believe. I’ve always been very convicted of [his views on abortion] because that’s the reason I’m here, because my mom was a very courageous woman. So any way I could help, I would do it.”
The college football star was responding to critics of his appearance in an anti-abortion ad sponsored by Focus on the Family to be aired during the Super Bowl which also features his mother, who ignored a recommendation from her doctor to abort her fifth child for health reasons and instead gave birth to Tebow. (New York Times)
“Why is one religious viewpoint continually accommodated by the TV networks when there is a common misunderstanding in this country that all religious people … hold a monolithic view on certain issues—such as reproductive choice, such as homosexuality—and this is not the case?”
The director of communications for the United Church of Christ, in an interview with National Public Radio, was asking why CBS has accepted the Focus on the Family ad but six years ago turned down an ad from the UCC as “too controversial.” (ABP)