I didn’t see the Glenn Beck program you address, but based on what I can gather from his website and other commentators, he was taking issue with those religious organizations which preach a type of “social justice” or “economic justice” through advocacy of the redistribution of wealth as a major part of their religious tenets, rather than seeking justice through voluntary gifts or efforts as a voluntary outgrowth of faith. I would be concerned about those religious organizations which substitute a social agenda for the gospel.
Are there any biblical teachings which advocate the involuntary transfer of wealth by the force of government or otherwise as a religious tenant, or the substitution of a social agenda for the gospel? Maybe you can help me out? As I read the verses you listed in your editorial, they do not teach these tenets.
I understand the Bible teaches believers to practice their faith by seeking equal justice and equal treatment for all of God’s children. Maybe you missed Glenn Beck’s point or your definition and understanding of the terms “social justice” or “economic justice” are significantly different from his.
If redistribution of wealth through government force or religious tenets is the meaning of “social justice” or “economic justice” taught at some religious organizations, maybe Beck has a point. I would be very careful judging his points, or anyone, as “incredibly stupid.”
Richard Smith, Keswick