RICHMOND, Va. — Baptist men from across the state will meet for prayer, worship and round table discussions at the one-day Virginia Baptist Men’s Gathering, set for Saturday, Sept. 25.
The free event, sponsored by the Virginia Baptist Mission Board, is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Second Baptist Church in Richmond.
Keynote speaker will be Randy Ashcraft, who recently joined the Mission Board’s staff as pastor in residence.
“Randy will share on our theme, ‘Immeasurably More,’ drawn from Ephesians, chapter 3,” said Billy Hutchinson, coordinator of Baptist men’s ministries for the Mission Board’s glocal missions and evangelism team. “We’re focusing on the fact that God can do great things through the men of the church.”
The gathering will begin with The Bigger Breakfast, a worldwide prayer emphasis. “The BB program is a time when Baptist men’s groups around the world commit to pray for each other, for their churches and for God’s movement among men,” said Hutchinson. “It also kicks off a 40 days of prayer program for men in the local church.”
Jim Ailor, a field strategist with the Mission Board, will speak at The Big Breakfast, scheduled for 9-10 a.m.
Two worship celebrations — from 10-11 a.m. and from 1:30-3 p.m. — will feature Ashcraft and musical groups. Included will be a focus on world hunger awareness.
Round table discussions, from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., will focus on disaster relief, partnership construction, Baptist Builders, local men’s group ideas, Campers on Mission, men’s retreats and special ministries involving golf, hunting and motorcycling.
“This will be a time when men can gather to talk with leaders who can answer questions, provide ideas and encourage new thinking to revitalize men’s groups,” said Hutchinson.
Lunch will be served from 12:30-1:30 p.m.
To register, click on or for additional information contact Hutchinson at billy.hutchinson@ or 804.255.2428, ext. 7265, or Jeanette Hildebrand at [email protected] or 804. 255.2428, extension 7260.