A prominent Southern Baptist leader on April 27 advocated Christian support of immigrants but stressed that lawbreakers should be punished and newcomers should work hard to assimilate.
“Put the emphasis on the American part of Hispanic-American and you are welcome,” said Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.
Land was one of several evangelical Christian leaders speaking at an immigration policy panel hosted by the Family Research Council, a conservative group. The discussion came at a time when Congress is considering controversial legislation regulating immigration.
The debate in Congress is over two bills, one approved by the House, another proposed by the Senate. The former holds that illegal residency and assistance to an illegal immigrant could be tried as felonious offenses. The Senate bill urges a guest worker program and paths to legalized citizenships for aliens, provided they pay fines and back taxes and learn English. Legislation stalled in the Senate earlier this month over bipartisan bickering.
Land made a distinction between the responsibility of government and of Christians.
“While the government must insist on enforcement of the law, Christians are mandated to forgive and act redemptively to all people, including illegal immigrants,” Land said.
Religion News Service