The John Leland Center for Theological Studies in Falls Church has a received a $50,000 grant from the Virginia Baptist Foundation.
“Since its inception in 1923, discerning Virginia Baptists, often as their final act of Christian stewardship, have made outright, bequest, or planned gifts to the Foundation,” said Ronald Hall, president of the Foundation in announcing the grant. “These sacrificial gifts have been entrusted to the sole care and discretion of the Foundation's board of trustees. During its semi-annual meeting, the board enthusiastically authorized this grant from these funds to support the John Leland Center in its $2.2 million ‘Shaping the Future' campaign effort. It is our sincere hope that this grant will enable men and women to realize their call to Christian ministry and service.”
William E. “Gene” Watson, chairman of the board of the Foundation and former Baptist General Association of Virginia president, stated, “The Foundation is honored to have been chosen as the vehicle by many Virginia Baptists to invest in our future. What better method than to provide the resources to help train those called to the ministry? We make this gift in the honor and memory of those donors who made this possible.”
The John Leland Center for Theological Studies, named to honor the 18th-century Virginia Baptist pastor and religious liberty advocate, graduated its first class in the spring of 2002. Today, with classes held in northern, central, and eastern Virginia, the Leland Center is committed to preparing leaders for the emerging church. The Association of Theological School recently recommended the John Leland Center for full accreditation status.