Anabaptists and the Reformation are featured in the new issue of Heritage Seekers, the magazine for children and families published by the Center for Baptist Heritage & Studies. The theme of this issue is on showing courage, helping children discover how to show courage in difficult situations.
The issue tells the story of Conrad Grebel and Ulrich Zwingli and the beginning of the Anabaptist movement. Children will read a fascinating story of how these Christians suffered for their faith and how Anabaptists influenced Baptist thought. The current story of Graham Lange and his work in Austria will help children understand the influence Anabaptists continue to have in the European community.
Heritage Seekers magazine is designed for children in third through sixth grades and their parents. Each issue focuses on one Baptist principle through the stories of historical and contemporary Baptists. Children encounter the rich Baptist heritage that preceded them while learning how they can leave their own heritage for future generations. Each issue is written by a professional children's educator. The issue on Anabaptists was written by Virginia M. Butler of Mississippi. She is a writer and editor for Baptist publications.
Single issues are $7, including shipping. Individuals also can subscribe for $20 a year, which includes four issues. Churches can order bulk subscriptions. Back issues can be purchased for $7, including shipping, and include Nannie Helen Burroughs (Working Together), William Carey (Reaching Out to Others), Lott Cary (Developing Leadership), and Lottie Moon (Personal Commitment). The premier issue told the story of James Ireland and Religious Liberty. For further information visit or call the Center at (804) 289-8434.
Churches can teach heritage using this resource. Contact Jon Messer, education coordinator for the Center, to discover ways you can teach children to be Heritage Seekers.