Your article in your March 20 issue by Charles Honey and titled “Couple urges truce in war between faith and science” was read with great interest. My own perspective is that there is no conflict between Christianity and science. There is, however, a conflict between our faith and some scientists. Here is why I hold this position:
1. I believe that Jesus Christ let himself be crucified to pay for my and everyone's sins. Then on the third day he rose from death in the mightiest miracle ever recorded. If I do not believe this in my heart and mind, I am not a Christian (Romans 10:9, John 3:18, etc.)
2. By the Word of his mouth, Jesus performed many other miracles (feeding of the 5000+, walking on the sea, calming the storm, raising the dead, healing the sick, etc.) that demonstrated his total control over the laws of nature and perhaps using some laws that we don't know about yet. He was able to do this because he is God and he originated those laws either before or during the creation. He continues to enforce the laws including the laws of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.
3. Science being the search for truth, it seeks to discover and understand those laws as they are displayed in the properties and operations of matter, energy and information. True science looks at these things objectively using the scientific method, without bias. Christians have nothing to fear from true science as it will only discover what the Lord has created.
4. Some scientists and others err from the scientific method when they deny the possibility of God doing something outside of their understanding and current experience such as the miracles recorded in the Bible, including the creation and the global flood judgment of Noah's day.
5. Evolutionists and compromising Christians would have us concentrate on the material universe and assume the preexistence of the laws of nature without God to design and enforce them. For example, the current Big Bang Theory assumes all the laws were already in place before such an event occurred.
An engineer by training, I am a proponent of true science and am excited about what has been and will be discovered. I am especially excited about those believing scientists who take the Bible seriously and discover things previously thought impossible or unlikely.
Dave Chrisman, Richmond