A desire to make their congregations more missional drew almost 640 pastors, deacons and other church leaders to the annual Pastor/Deacon/ Church Leader Conference at Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center last week.
The event, sponsored by the Virginia Baptist Mission Board, is designed to foster inspiration, education and fellowship, said organizer Eddie Heath.
“The African Christian Children's Choir, which led the worship sessions, inspired the participants,” said Heath, who is the Virginia Baptist Mission Boad's field strategist for the Tidewater region. Education was fostered through 29 breakout sessions, said Heath, and fellowship through the gathering of church leaders from across the state.
This year's theme was Matthew 25:40 — “Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.”
Tracy Hartman, associate professor of practical theology at Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, interpreted the theme during the Friday night worship service, encouraging the leaders to keep their churches aware of the marginalized people in their midsts.
“The focus of this conference has moved toward challenging churches to become more missional,” said Heath. “This theme has become imbedded into what the conference is all about.
“Next year's them will be ‘Living the Revolution,' ” he said. “We'll challenge churches to be more outward focused, to have the marginalized of their communities on their radar, to not be so much about preserving institutions as about connecting with human needs.”