I comment on statements on four pages in the issue of July 2.
Page 5: “What if another religion becomes the majority?” I assert that other religions have already become the majority: the worships of money, power, pleasure, status, possessions.
Page 10: “… theocracy in which religion controls the government.” I know enough Greek to state that in a true theocracy God would rule. I do not see this in any country in the world. “Religious oligarchy,” where religious leaders control the government, strikes me as a more realistic description. “Religious liberty … free exercise.” But what if your religion requires you to beat up a Donatist and an Arian on alternating Saturdays?
Page 17: “Great Commission demands sacrifice.” Excellent; so why did these people place so much money and time and effort into the alleged purification of the doctrines of the SBC? “Lack of moral responsibility is at the heart of many of America’s social ills.” Excellent. Possibly “all” instead of “many.”
Page 20: “Calvin’s is a sovereign God who answers all questions.” An unanswered question is printed in the next column to the right: “If Jesus died only for the elect, what’s the point of trying to reach others?”
Spencer L. Williams, Alexandria