“Singling out minarets in this ban is tantamount to isolating Islam and relegating it to second-class status.”
Al Mohler
The president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., was blogging about the recent vote in Switzerland to ban construction of minarets at mosques. (RNS)
“We never quarreled with his compassion but with his judgment. If a convict could get the governor’s ear and convince him that he had found Jesus and turned his life around or he could get a preacher to intercede with the governor, he was apt to go free.”
The Arkansas Leader
An editorial in the newspaper was critiquing former Gov. Mike Huckabee’s granting of clemency to people who resumed criminal careers, including Maurice Clemmons, who was killed Dec. 2 by authorities after being accused of killing four police officers in Washington state two days earlier. (RNS)
“Since California has decided to protect traditional marriage, I think it would be hypocritical of us not to sacrifice some of our own rights to protect traditional marriage even more.”
John Marcotte
The Sacremento, Calif., Web designer wants a measure on next year’s ballot to ban divorce, in a satirical rebuttal to activists who said marriage should be protected by banning same-sex couples from marrying. (RNS)