The program committee is responsible for preparing the order of business for the annual meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia and assuring that worship is emphasized during the meeting.
In response to the challenges we face today both locally and globally, the committee has chosen the theme, “A Time for Extravagance,” remembering the woman and her alabaster jar of perfume. Virginia Baptists will be looking at ways that we can love extravagantly in ways that will change lives and expand the Kingdom of God.
Breakout sessions on Tuesday afternoon will have an array of opportunities for messengers to learn and resource the local church. There are also hands-on mission opportunities. You are urged to fill your messenger bag with the foods from Wegmans supermarket. Return the bag full of groceries on Wednesday. The food will be distributed in Fredericksburg and the surrounding area to meet the needs of the homeless and poor. You may pick up a new, empty bag after your original bag is returned full of food. Also, visit the Ministry Fair and join others in bagging meals for distribution in third world countries through Stop Hunger Now.
Virginia Baptists are fortunate to have three highly regarded leaders as our guest speakers this year in Dr. Alistair Brown, Dr. Sekyu “Steve” Chang and Dr. James Somerville. The committee has invited a number of excellent choirs, soloists, liturgical dancers and instrumentalists to participate in the program as well.
The committee encourages messengers to give feedback regarding the meeting through the evaluation form you will receive Wednesday morning. This form is taken seriously and is given due consideration as plans emerge for future meetings.
The program committee makes the following recommendations:
1. That the program, as printed, be adopted as the agenda of the 2009 meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia.
2. That times on the program are listed for guidance to keep the gatherings on task.
3. That, in order to expedite discussion, debate on all matters be limited to three minutes per speaker, and that speakers, in matters of discussion, alternate pro and con.
4. That future sites for the annual meeting be adopted as: 2010: November 9-10 (Tuesday-Wednesday) — Hampton Roads; 2011: November 8-9 (Tuesday-Wednesday) — Richmond
Philip Mitchell, Chair
Ralph Duke
Yulanda Humphreys
Jean Kelpin
Tommy McDearis
Jeff Raymond
Curlean Sellers
Mila Spaulding
Dale Tadlock