I am disappointed with George Henson's one-sided article regarding children's church, an article which has convinced several in my congregation that our church's one-year-old (and thriving!) children's church program should simply be terminated [Herald, July 26]. After quoting biased and blanket statements like “Don't do it” from well-respected Baptist leaders (statements which did nothing but implant a sense of urgency in many readers' minds), Henson proceeded to quote “tips” for the many stubborn and non-“cutting-edge” churches that continue with children's church, tips that ironically have led to “positive results.” I found this to be very contradictory.
Perhaps “so many churches” have children's church because instead of stunting the faith formation of children, these services can provide an opportunity for children to worship God through age-appropriate, Bible-based messages about Bible characters, elements of corporate worship, and the people and organizations that make up their church. Why not give children the best of both worlds by dismissing them (at their parent's discretion) directly before the sermon so they are able to witness baptisms and participate in other elements of the service? This has proven effective at our church and we plan on continuing this ministry, no matter how non-“cutting-edge” it may be.
Audrey Davis, Minister of Children and Families
Sandston Baptist Church, Sandston