EAGLE EYRIE — Girls in Action (GAs) is a mission-education organization for girls in grades 1-6. Every year Woman's Missionary Union of Virginia receives nominations for an outstanding GA, a girl in grades 4-6 who exhibits a missions lifestyle.
Kathryn Eckler, who has been named Virginia's 2007 outstanding GA, was introduced to the women gathered at Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center during Woman's Missionary Union of Virginia's annual meeting. Kathryn spoke briefly about transformations. Dressed in a cocoon-like robe and using a three-foot cloth caterpillar as a prop, she spoke on the power of metamorphosis. As she concluded her speech, Kathryn removed the robe and spread her arms to reveal the beautiful wings of a butterfly.
Kathryn is a 5th grader at Aaron's Creek Baptist Church in Dan River Baptist Association and has earned 27 badges through her GA World Venture activities. Like most girls her age, Kathryn enjoys art, playing outside, doing puzzles and traveling.
Unlike most, however, she is actively involved in missions. She created a missions project called Lottie Moon Walk-a-thon which raised over $1,300 for the Lottie Moon mission offering. She also hosted a WorldCraft party, with the help of her GA group, in which participants learned about other cultures and collected nearly $1,000 to help feed hungry families across the world. Kathryn has also donated her hair to Locks of Love.
Along with being selected as the Outstanding GA, Kathryn also received the Lisk Scholarship, an award that provides a week of summer camp at CrossRoads Camp and Conference Center. The Lisk Scholarship is awarded in memory of Kati and Kristin Lisk, two outstanding Virginia GAs who loved GA camp. Additionally, Kathryn will also participate in leadership roles at various mission events throughout the coming year.