RICHMOND, Va. (ABP) — Trustees of Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond have elected Israel Galindo as the 19-year-old school’s new dean.
Galindo, a Christian education professor at the Virginia seminary, was elected June 17. He replaces Mike Harton, who has served as interim dean for the past two years.
Galindo also serves as the principal of a consulting firm. Born in Cuba and reared in New York, he joined the seminary staff in 1999 after several years as a local-church educator and principal for private schools.
He holds a doctorate in education from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
A popular seminar and workshop leader, Galindo has expertise in Bowen Family Systems theory as applied to parenting, congregational life and leadership development. He has written widely and has several books in print, including an Alban Institute bestseller, The Hidden Lives of Congregations.
As dean, he will lead faculty in curriculum development and evaluation, in instructional development, and will serve on the seminary’s administrative team.
“Dr. Galindo’s academic expertise and extensive experience in local congregational ministry will provide great dividends to BTSR and her students,” seminary President Ron Crawford said about the new dean. “He understands the challenges of the 21st century on local church ministry and will strengthen our efforts to prepare women and men for ministry around the world.”