BROWNWOOD, Texas (ABP) — C.B. "Bill" Hogue, executive director
emeritus of the California Southern Baptist Convention, died Jan. 26 in
Brownwood, Texas. He observed his 82nd birthday on Jan. 13 and had been
receiving treatment for cancer.
Hogue was a former vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention Home Mission Board (now North American Mission Board) and a former vice president of the Baptist World Alliance.
Hogue's motion at the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in 1993 led to the restructuring of the SBC outlined in the 1995 document, "Covenant for a New Century." He subsequently served on the SBC Implementation Task Force and chaired the Incorporators of the North American Mission Board that recommended that agency's first president.
Funeral services reportedly were being planned for Saturday morning in Brownwood, Texas. Survivors include his wife of more than 60 years, Betty.
Mark Wyatt is vice president for marketing and communication at California Baptist University and former editor of the California Southern Baptist.