BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (ABP) — The Alabama Cooperative Baptist Fellowship has tapped a pastor and former campus minister as its new state coordinator.
Ronnie Brewer, senior pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Madison, Ala., was elected unanimously by the state Coordinating Council Sept. 10, according to an announcement on the Alabama CBF website.
Brewer called it "a privilege" to head up the Alabama CBF chapter. He said the organization "has an important dream: to help Christians and churches cooperate together as a part of God's mission in the world."
Brewer has served as pastor of Trinity Baptist Church twice, first from 1987 until 1990 and from 2000 until the present. In between he was senior Baptist campus minister at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. He also was Baptist campus minister at the University of Alabama at Huntsville from 1982 to 1988.
Alvin Pelton, chair of the search committee that recommended Brewer Sept. 7, said the new state leader "brings a rich blend of experience coupled with a genuine excitement for the future of Alabama CBF."
"This spiritual journey of the search committee has led us to the right person for this new day in Alabama CBF," Pelton said.
Brewer has both a bachelor's and master's in counseling from Alabama's University of Montevallo and an M.Div. degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
His wife, Janet, grew up along with her four sisters in Brazil, where her parents served as missionaries for more than 30 years. They have two adult children, Jonathan and Stephanie, who live in Birmingham.
Brewer succeeds Brent McDougal, who resigned in March to become pastor of Cliff Temple Baptist Church in Dallas.
The Alabama CBF is one of 19 autonomous state and regional organizations that relate to the national CBF organization based in Atlanta.
Bob Allen is senior writer for Associated Baptist Press.