BROWNSVILLE, Texas (ABP) — Violence between drug cartels in Mexican border towns has cut into the number of mission trips in the area. In some cases, it has led church groups, even those who have served in the area for years, to cancel trips to sites on the Texas side of the border as well.
The Baptist General Convention of Texas encourages groups who want to serve along the Texas-Mexico border to minister on the Texas side of the Rio Grande, said Daniel Rangel, director of Texas Baptists’ River Ministry.
A few teams have chosen to serve in Mexico. The BGCT requires those who want to minister there to spend their evenings on the Texas side of the border if they want the convention’s assistance in facilitating the groups’ efforts.
Despite the encouragement to serve in Texas, some areas in South Texas have seen a significant drop in the number of mission teams serving, and the overall number of mission teams through River Ministry has decreased since the Mexico border violence broke out.
In the past, River Ministry facilitated 50 El Paso mission teams in a typical year. Last year, it helped seven. The number of trips working through the Rio Grande Valley Baptist Association has been cut in half to 25.
As a result of the border violence, a number of Mexico-based ministry agencies have partnered with Buckner International, increasing the number of mission groups Buckner expects to facilitate in 2011, said Jorge Zapata, director of Buckner International’s colonias program.
Congregations are choosing not to minister along the border as a result of the reports of violence in Mexico border towns, Rangel said. Although River Ministry, Buckner and Valley Baptist Missions Education Center have facilitated mission trips throughout the Texas side of the border without incident, some church members and leaders are hesitant to undertake mission work there.
Some churches try to put together teams, but find people aren’t willing to go to the border because of safety concerns, ministry leaders said. Some churches plan to do mission trips to the border, but volunteers to go on the trips never materialize.
“I think everybody has great intentions,” said Jamie Campbell, facilities manager at Valley Baptist Missions Education Center. “Their heart says we have served in the Valley or served along the border before, and they want to go again. They say let’s go ahead and plan like we’ve always done before. I think what’s happening is the mission teams aren’t stepping up.”
Many border mission teams traditionally have been made up of youth, and parents do not want to take a chance sending their children to the border. Texas border ministry leaders said they understand church members’ concerns, but they quickly note the Texas side of the border is at least as safe as any large Texas city — and probably more so. Texas Baptist ministries particularly are careful about the situations in which they place volunteers, attempting to place people where they can minister safely.
“As a parent, I understand the concern about sending your child down,” Campbell said. “What they have to realize is none of us would put your children in a situation where there is any danger. We simply wouldn’t do that. It wouldn’t be responsible.”
John Hall writes for Texas Baptist Communications.