KANSAS CITY, Mo. (ABP) — A major initiative designed to transform the lives of children and families domestically and abroad is being launched in 2005 through a partnership among African Baptists, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the Texas-based Buckner Baptist Benevolences.
Signed during a March 1meeting of CBF state and regional coordinators, the agreement pledges that CBF and Buckner will cooperate in "advancing their respective missions" while demonstrating God's "love for widows and orphans around the world." It noted several initial focus areas, including "mission work along the border with Mexico and Texas; work on the continent of Africa; and other projects in the United States."
The partnership is an evolution of a previous two-year partnership signed in 2003 by the two groups. CBF and Buckner have worked together for the past two years in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas through a partnership called "KidsHeart," and in Kenya for the past three years through the Baptist Children's Center of Nairobi.
Central to the new agreement is the two organizations' commitment to providing ministry in sub-Saharan Africa at the request of African Baptists.
Leaders said the new partnership plan is intended to provide transformational development in the areas of early childhood initiatives, HIV/AIDS education and intervention, and ministries to children at risk.
Although Buckner and CBF leaders say the project will take various forms to be determined by the needs in each African country, the basic plan calls for community development based on enhancing the lives of children at risk and working with local churches who want to impact the lives of children.