LOUISVILLE, Ky. (ABP) — David Winfrey, news director of the Kentucky Baptist Western Recorder since 1996, has resigned effective Oct. 16.
He has accepted a position as a marketing strategist for the Louisville office of Mercer Human Resources Consulting, an international firm serving clients in more than 40 countries.
“David has made a significant contribution to Kentucky Baptist life and ministry for more than a decade,” noted Western Recorder Editor Trennis Henderson. “His expertise in writing, editing, photography and design has helped the Western Recorder maintain its role as a quality, award-winning publication.
“David also lives out his ministry commitment through his local church, Habitat for Humanity and other outlets. We will miss him both personally and professionally, but are pleased with his new career opportunity,” said Henderson.
Prior to joining the Recorder staff, Winfrey was associate news director for the former Southern Baptist Home Mission Board, now North American Mission Board, in Atlanta. He also was a staff writer for the Greenville Piedmont in South Carolina.
“The Western Recorder has allowed me to grow professionally and to serve God through two activities that I love, creativity and service,” said Winfrey.
Winfrey currently is national president-elect of Baptist Communicators Association. He also is a member of the board of directors at Habitat for Humanity of Metro Louisville.
He holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Georgia and a master of business administration degree from the University of Louisville. He and his wife, Mary Marcia, have one son, Jake.