CARACAS, Venezuela (ABP) — More than 1,150 Baptists from Venezuela and the United States shared the gospel roughly 10,000 times during a recent evangelism effort called Caracas Crusade 2008.
Jacobo García, director of missions and evangelism of the National Baptist Convention of Venezuela, said he felt “indescribable joy” in working at the event.
“God, in his grace, considered us a group that loves the faith [enough] to work in evangelism in the five zones that compose the capital region and to see several thousands of people coming to the feet of Christ,” Garcia said. “To him we give the glory.”
During the crusade, participants worked alongside Baptist churches within the five geographical zones of Caracas, with congregations hosting nightly services and teams of four doing door-to-door and other evangelism during the day. A team from Tennessee, for instance, held baseball clinics for children while church members shared the gospel with their parents.
A Texas team was assigned to help Iglesia Bautista Monte Carmelo in a part of the capital region called Guarenas-Guatire. Baldemar Borrego, president of the Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas, preached nightly at evangelism services there. Leaders from the Texas team said they shared the gospel with more than 300 people. Half of those came to believe in Jesus, they said.
Borrego said a particularly memorable event happened during the second week in Guarenas, when an alcoholic man entered the service.
“He prayed and accepted Christ,” Borrego said. “After that, he just started crying and couldn't stop. He knew something had changed him.”
The team also preached at a public school that typically doesn't allow Christians to speak to students. Lupe Rando, pastor of New Life Baptist Church in Vernon, Texas, spoke for five minutes and said 136 children received Christ as their personal savior.
Borrego also spoke during the annual assembly of the Venezuela Baptist Convention. He said “the people were very excited about this partnership with Texas.” They have committed to pray for every church in Texas because they want Texas to be reached with the gospel as well. Borrego challenged every Texas pastor to do the same for churches in Venezuela.
The convention emphasized follow-up of the new believers — local churches started 53 new Bible study groups in order to disciple them.
Steve Seaberry, director of Texas Partnerships, said the Caracas Crusade was the perfect way to start a long-term partnership between the Baptist General Convention of Texas and the Venezuela convention. Both groups are excited about the joint venture because Venezuelans are ready to receive the gospel, he said.
“The people are very open right now,” Seaberry said. “Times are difficult economically, which makes people open spiritually. We are very excited about what the future holds.”
García also said he realizes the importance of both conventions taking advantage of this opportunity.
“I believe with all my soul that God is giving us the honor of living in the best historic moment for presenting the gospel,” García said. “We do not know for how long this great door will be open.”
The Venezuelan convention is planning another evangelism event for April 24-27. It will work to start new Bible study groups and disciple those who accept Christ during the event.