Not to name names, but someone with my same initials who lives at my house decided having three yards of compost delivered yesterday was a good idea. Undoubtedly, my veggies, herbs and flowers will appreciate this black gold. Unfortunately, it…
Rock the boat, don’t tip the boat over
There is a lot of time to think while sitting in the hospital — at least intermittently between all the doctor’s visits and texting the grandparents and friends about what is going on with the kiddo. The body is amazing…
‘I’m sorry.’ No more apologies from women for filling spaces into which the Spirit calls them
I AM SORRY, but there can be no apologies by women when they fill the spaces into which the Spirit calls them or the spaces for which their wit and intelligence gifts them. Women with this heritage ought to be free to fill their space boldly and unapologetically, for this is the space they have been created and called to fill.
My rise, their fall: A theologian’s burden in response to the reality of sexual abuse
I may stand on the shoulders of theological giants, but John Howard Yoder’s egregious actions have forced my gaze downward only to see that I also stand on the hunched backs of Yoder’s victims. If I make it in this increasingly uncertain world of the theological academy, my rise will be due in part because of their fall.