If the free-exercise clause allows you not to bake and sell a cake, maybe it should also allow you to have an imam at your own execution.
Southern Baptist leaders vow to improve addressing sex abuse after papers’ report
The Houston Chronicle/San Antonio Express-News investigation noted that several former presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention, including Steve Gaines, Paige Patterson and Jerry Vines, were accused of mishandling abuse allegations.
Abuse of Faith
20 years, 700 victims: Southern Baptist sexual abuse spreads as leaders resist reforms
Convicted for taking water to thirsty people
The No More Deaths volunteers were imitating the logic of the incarnation.
President Trump’s gaffe touts ‘abolition of civil rights’ at National Prayer Breakfast
President Donald Trump on Thursday outlined the importance of faith in American society in a speech that at times mirrored his State of the Union address from earlier this week.
Nadia Bolz-Weber’s gospel of shame-free sexuality
We can’t defeat shame by whittling down God’s law to fit our behavior. We need the good news of God’s forgiveness instead.
As Southern Baptists mull executive vacancies, will diversity play a role?
As the nation’s largest Protestant denomination faces a rare leadership vacuum at the top of two of its agencies and two of its seminaries , questions have arisen about whether recent statements committing to diversity will be reflected in hiring…
Died: Yechiel Eckstein, rabbi who rallied evangelical support for Israel
The founder of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews overcame longstanding tensions and brought in $140 million a year for Holy Land projects.
Lawsuit against ex-judge, Southern Baptist churches drawing to a close
The attorney representing a man suing Judge Paul Pressler says he will appeal the case if all remaining claims are dismissed. A court hearing is tentatively set for April.