We’ve used our increased visibility, often through hashtag campaigns, to expose evangelical authoritarianism to the broader American public, something that major media outlets have mostly failed to do.
Religion Considered Important to 72% of Americans
As many Americans prepare to celebrate Christmas, 72% say religion is important in their lives, including 51% who say it is very important. Christians’ attachment to religion is even higher, as 62% find it very important.
Mormon Women Missionaries Now Allowed To Wear Pants Instead Of Skirts
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said this will help the missionaries stay warm, ride bikes, and protect themselves from mosquito-borne diseases.
2018: Wave Goodbye to Another Year in Religion
From sexual abuse to white nationalism, a fake rabbi, atheists behaving badly, and politicized pastries, 2018 had little going for it on the religion front.
The religious unaffiliated and politics in 2019
Hope, a difficult virtue to maintain these days in the midst of political and religious strife where the future of our democracy seems uncertain and seemingly religious and political leaders have lost all credibility.
Why a ‘Health and Wealth’ Approach to Scripture Leaves Us More Depressed
One of the most common suspicions around the prosperity gospel is that it takes advantage of the sick and poor by overstating promises of blessings that may not come.
Priests demand ‘civil disobedience’ for Christmas to protest anti-migrant law
Italian Catholic priests are engaging in acts of resistance to a new anti-immigration law which they say will make thousands of people homeless.
Why Putting Christ Back in Christmas Is Not Enough
Christmas in America has never been a straightforward event. Whether in the privacy of our homes or in the public square, it has always been a conflicted affair.
A push for compromise on LGBTQ protections may tear evangelicals apart
In the space of 48 hours, Americans got another taste for the raging battles over LGBTQ protections