Barber’s oration on militarism used the word “moral” a couple hundred times to explain the past and present but didn’t use the words capitalism, socialism, class or working class once. How we can explain economic injustice, environmental destruction, white supremacy and the rest without these concepts makes Barber’s and the PPC’s actual politics of change more than a little cloudy.
Willow Creek elders apologize for casting doubt on women’s allegations against founder Hybels
The highest-ranking elder of northwest suburban Willow Creek Community Church told the congregation Wednesday that elders owe apologies to women who made allegations of misconduct against church founder Bill Hybels.
Ending an abusive marriage is hard. Ending one in the evangelical church is harder.
It didn’t matter what my husband had done to me, or that he wanted the divorce. I must have been at fault somehow.
Pastoral dilemmas with observing Mother’s Day
Parenting is a profound responsibility, not to mention a perilous duty, and communities of faith need to learn how to recognize, support and enrich this calling, without stigmatizing those who don’t have children, or traumatizing those who have lost children, or reifying inherited gender roles.
Evangelicals are having their own #MeToo moment
What if every victim of abuse, every abandoned child, every lonely senior, every intellectually and physically disabled person, every single parent, every gay and transgender person, every prisoner, every homeless person and every billionaire were actually the image of God in our midst? How should we then live?
United Methodist bishops want to let pastors, conferences decide on LGBT clergy
The bishops of the United Methodist Church have endorsed a plan that would allow individual pastors and regional bodies to make their own decisions on whether to perform same-sex weddings and ordain LGBT people as clergy.
Disney World ends long-running Christian ‘Night of Joy’ event
There will be no Night of Joy event at Walt Disney World in 2018, and there are no plans for the series of Christian-music concerts to return to the resort in the future, a Disney World spokeswoman has confirmed.
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CBF General Assembly: Worship, Learn, Grow
We live in an era of a Global Church where mission is from everywhere to everyone. You’ll celebrate God’s work through the Church, both around the world and down the street, at the 2018 Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly, June 11-15, at the Hyatt Regency in Dallas.
Germany’s search for identity has turned religious
The Bavarians want crosses in public buildings, German Jews want to be able to wear kippas in public without being attacked and Muslims would like more understanding for the headscarf.