William Barber is engaged in perhaps the most ambitious civil rights campaign since the 1960s.
Roy Moore: Supreme Court gay marriage ruling was ‘worse’ than upholding slavery in Dred Scott
Alabama GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore said late last year that the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing gay marriage was “even worse” than the notorious 1857 Dred Scott ruling that upheld slavery.
Paul for the people: John Dominic Crossan imagines a ‘Letter to the Americans’ in his new video series
Convinced that biblical study is not worth much if it can’t be shared with the people in the pews, Crossan has most recently been creating video packages for group study in churches, seminaries, and university classes.
Roy Moore is an outspoken fundamentalist about everything but climate change
Moore has remained uncharacteristically subtle when it comes to climate change and environmental issues.
Can a corporation exercise religion?
According to the Trump administration, even a company owned by millions of unrelated people can be a person of faith.
Fox and Friend: Sean Hannity and Robert Jeffress share the self-love at church
Jeffress’ Dallas megachurch, like others, is a television set with an unusually large studio audience, a fact that Hannity’s Sunday’s appearance underlined.
William Barber and Liz Theoharis take the Poor People’s Campaign on the road
The campaign is confronting four interlocking issues: systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, and ecological devastation.
God, guns and guts
What’s the solution to the firearms dilemma for a pastor in gun-loving Texas? Visiting and listening.
How a North Carolina minister sowed seeds of hope in a food desert
First, the Rev. Richard Joyner got mad. Then he got a trowel. Sick and tired of seeing his congregation suffer from poor nutrition, the North Carolina minister took action.