Americans are deeply split along demographic lines, but there aren’t many demographic characteristics that embody America’s cultural divide better than gun ownership.
Here he stood: Lutheran pilgrims travel to Germany on Reformation anniversary
As the American pilgrims approached Wartburg Castle, they let their imagination rewind five centuries to the night when Martin Luther was “kidnapped” by masked horsemen and hustled deep into the forest.
The Ninety-Five Theses
Out of love for the truth and the desire to bring it to light, the following propositions will be discussed at Wittenberg, under the oversight of the Reverend Father Martin Luther, Master of Arts and Sacred Theology, and Lecturer on…
The myth of women’s ‘empowerment’
It’s time to change the “empowerment” conversation. Development organizations’ programs must be evaluated on whether they enable women to increase their potential for political mobilization, to create sustainable gender equality.
Church votes no weddings until all can marry in its denomination
Weddings already scheduled at First Methodist Church in Austin, Texas, across the street from the state capitol, will take place as planned. The church vote means that, at least for the time being, no new marriage ceremonies will be scheduled.
You have been warned, Pat Robertson!
It didn’t take long for some preachers to start telling us why God caused the horrible mass murder in Las Vegas. Pat Robertson led the way, declaring it was divine retribution for “disrespect” for Donald Trump in America.
Many countries favor specific religions, officially or unofficially
Islam is the most common state religion, but many governments give privileges to Christianity.
No way out but the ballot box: Why partisanship trumps morality in gun control
You can’t regulate the evil of someone who wants to kill dozens. But you can choose to make it more difficult for him to accomplish it through simple, commonsense limits on gun ownership.
After the massacre, a Las Vegas church seizes the chance to serve
A mass shooting is a test for any religious institution, and a massacre like the one that left 59 dead and hundreds injured in Las Vegas, even more so. Hope Church says it’s up to the challenge.