Baptist News Global provides a free listing of ministry-related jobs for Baptist churches, theological institutions and organizations across the United States. Each posting is for 30 days and is limited to 150 words. Businesses may purchase a post in the…
Six things to know about mass shootings in America
Here’s some recent scholarship about mass shootings that should help you identify misinformation when you hear it.
Advice from a disaster pastor: Open your wallet, not your closet
Many people shrink from writing a check. They’d rather fill a shopping cart than contribute an equivalent amount in cash. Why hesitate to give money? There are two reasons: Money is an abstraction; and money is dangerous.
What sets rural churches apart? It’s not politics, money or theology
The real difference is the resilience that comes from generations of families committed to one place.
Evangelicals urge more action from Trump against ‘alt-right’
A group of prominent evangelicals — including Southern Baptist Convention President Rev. Steve Gaines, former SBC President Rev. Fred Luter and the Rev. T.D. Jakes — is calling on President Donald Trump to take further steps to condemn white supremacists.
Matt Chandler’s Village Church ends multisite era
The Village Church, the multisite Texas megachurch led by Matt Chandler, will transition from several campuses, leaving behind a multisite model for a deeper commitment to local ministry and church planting.
Baptist theologian: Fr. Martin’s ideas ‘require a total redefinition of doctrine’
Albert Mohler’s comments refer to Martin’s suggestion that Catholics should refer to same sex attraction or an LGBT identity as “differently ordered” rather than the Catechism’s use of “intrinsically disordered.”
Garland’s email about rape victims was misrepresented, Baylor says
Baylor University said an email written by its former interim president regarding the role of alcohol in sexual assault cases was misrepresented by 10 women who claim in a lawsuit the school denied them educational rights under Title IX.
Some worry about judicial nominee Amy Coney Barrett’s ties to a religious group
Members of the Christian group swear an oath of loyalty to one another, and are accountable to a personal adviser, called a “head” for men and a “handmaid” for women. It teaches that husbands are the heads of their wives.