A.R. Bernard has resigned from the White House’s evangelical advisory council, the first departure from that board in the wake of President Trump’s widely condemned comments on a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va.
Pope Francis offers 4 points to guide the world’s response to refugees
The pope reiterated his message from February at an international forum on migration and peace that “our shared response may be articulated by four verbs: to welcome, to protect, to promote and to integrate” migrants and refugees.
Trump’s evangelical panel remains intact as others disband. Who are his religious cheerleaders?
As three other advisory boards disband following the president’s response to the Virginia violence, Jerry Falwell Jr. tweets support for Trump.
With bathroom bill dead, the Texas Pastor Council looks to future fights
The group, founded in 2003, has grown from a local organization to a burgeoning statewide apparatus with eyes on someday becoming a nationwide force, one able to mobilize conservative Christians around the country into future political battles.
Meet the clergy who stared down white supremacists in Charlottesville
Spiritual protesters were a crucial part of both the counter-protests and relief efforts. Many stood arm-in-arm while staring down white supremacists — and plan to do it again.
Religious leaders as different as William Barber and Russell Moore reflect Reinhold Niebuhr’s insights
Those who attempt a deeper dive into Niebuhr will find a thinker not easily categorized or summarized.
Hope for America’s opioid epidemic is grace in a syringe
Why addiction ministry can include fellowship, the gospel and Narcan.
More than one-third of Americans identify with a religion different than the one they grew up with
It’s particularly fascinating to watch this trend among the young people who are turning away from religious institutions in large numbers.
Chorus battles eviction from Palo Alto, Calif., Baptist church
Hundreds of supporters — including San Francisco 49ers Hall of Fame quarterback Steve Young — crowded into Palo Alto (Calif.) City Hall in a show of support for a community chorus facing eviction from First Baptist Church due to zoning.