Under potentially radical plans being considered by the Church of Scotland, the rites could be administered online for the first time in a move to redefine the idea of a congregation in the Internet age.
Methodists postpone debate of gay issues that could split denomination
Amid protest, song and fears of a denominational breakup, United Methodists at their quadrennial General Conference decided yet again not to decide anything regarding LGBT rights.
Can the Religious Left be effective again? Short answer: No.
The vital beating heart of the religious left isn’t particularly interested in partisan politics. They’d much rather focus on developing social capital in strong communities.
Episcopal Diocese of Maryland takes up reparations for slavery
The Diocese of Maryland has taken the first of what could be many small steps to engage the issue of reparations and set aside money to help heal the centuries-old wounds of slavery.
‘Excruciatingly different’ Mississippi religious liberty law specifies beliefs
Most of the religious freedom laws privilege religion over non-religion, but the Mississippi law also privileges religion over religion, he explained. He called that additional step a “deadly mixture of ignorance and hubris.”
How rival Gardens of Eden in Iraq survived ISIS, dwindling tourists, and each other
Believers have alternately placed the garden in Armenia, in the Zagros Mountains of Iran, and in Bahrain. Even those who accept the mythological nature of the Garden of Eden still have the desire to locate it.
Pope Francis: Let’s study idea of ordaining women as deacons
In an opening with historic import, Pope Francis has said he wants to study the possibility of ordaining women as deacons, a step that could for the first time open the ranks of the Catholic Church’s all-male clergy to women.
Few pastors say adultery should permanently ban them from the pulpit
1,000 church leaders weigh in on how to investigate allegations and when the congregation should be told.
As U.S. attitudes change, some evangelicals dig in; others adapt
America’s culture war, waged in recent years over gender roles, sexuality and the definition of marriage, is increasingly being fought inside evangelical Christian circles.