By BNG staff 1. Probation terms altered to permit sex offender pastor to minister to childrenA Florida judge changed terms of probation for Darrell Gilyard, a pastor who returned to the pulpit after serving a prison term child sex abuse,…
Wishing you all the blessings and joys of Christmas
The Baptist News Global Team Natalie Aho | Bob Allen | Lindsay Bergstrom | Jeff Brumley Robert Dilday | Barbara Francis | Ann Richardson | David Wilkinson
Merry Christmas
Wishing you all the blessings of Adventand the joy of Christmas The Baptist News Global Team Ann Richardson Barbara Francis Bob Allen David Wilkinson Jeff Brumley Lindsay Bergstrom Natalie Aho …
Americans with fewest resources giving greater percentage to charity, study finds
By BNG staff America’s poor and middle class are giving more to charity even though they’re earning less, while the country’s rich are earning more but giving a smaller portion of their income to charity. That’s the conclusion of a…
Houston withdraws controversial subpoenas of pastors’ sermons
By BNG staff Houston Mayor Annise Parker announced Oct. 29 the city will withdraw subpoenas of five pastors which lawyers had sought as evidence in a legal suit seeking repeal of the city’s non-discrimination ordinance, the Houston Chronicle reported today….
ABC authorizes emergency grant for Liberian Baptists
By BNG staff The American Baptist Churches USA has approved an emergency grant of $120,000 to provide food and medical supplies to Liberia, the West African nation hardest hit by the Ebola outbreak, the denomination announced Oct. 28. The grant,…
ABPnews/Herald becomes Baptist News Global
By BNG staff ABPnews/Herald, created a year ago in a merger of two Baptist news organizations, has become Baptist News Global. The rebrand is the result of an agreement approved a year ago when the respective boards of Associated Baptist…
Being ecumenical
By Paula Clayton Dempsey During my initial involvement as a representative of the Alliance of Baptists at the National Council of Churches, I grew to realize that all I need to know about ecumenism, I learned in Hurdle Mills, N.C….