A meeting with pastors and televangelists invited to Trump Tower ended with the group surrounding the candidate and laying hands on him for a closing prayer. Many evangelicals who support Donald Trump for president don’t expect him to hold Bible…
SBC leader helps draft evangelical statement on animal welfare
By Bob Allen A Southern Baptist Convention leader helped draft a statement against animal cruelty released Sept. 30 that is being hailed as a possible tipping point for raising animal-rights awareness among evangelicals. On the heels of Pope Francis’ June…
Parole board green-lights execution of Georgia woman
By Bob Allen The Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles denied a clemency petition Sept. 29 for Kelly Gissendaner, who is scheduled to die by lethal injection tonight for plotting her husband’s murder in 1997. The parole board met Tuesday…
Host church withdraws from boycott, divestment and sanctions discussion
By Bob Allen The Alliance of Baptists had to scramble to find a venue for its Sept. 18-20 conference on waging peace and justice in the Holy Land when the host church withdrew its invitation the day before the meeting….
It’s the economy, Christian
By Bob Allen Four million black people were fired in 1865, when President Lincoln and the federal government abolished slavery, a pastor told a packed house at the first summit meeting of a new coalition of churches in Louisville, Ky.,…
SBC megachurch hosting presidential forum
By Bob Allen Republican presidential candidates Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee are reportedly confirmed for a “North Texas Presidential Forum” at 3 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 18, at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas. The 40,000-member megachurch…
CBF church member credits Kelly Gissendaner for second chance
By Bob Allen A member of a Cooperative Baptist Church in Atlanta says a murderess on Georgia’s death row sentenced to die tomorrow night is being judged for taking one life but not receiving mercy for saving others. Nikki Roberts,…
CBF head among faith leaders supporting papal call for creation care
By Bob Allen Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Executive Coordinator Suzii Paynter challenged faith leaders in Washington for this week’s papal visit to “reawaken your actual love of God’s world” during a Sept. 24 service at the National Cathedral focusing on creation…
‘Francis effect’ boosting Catholic Church’s image for U.S. Protestants
By Bob Allen The “Francis effect” is real for U.S. Protestant pastors, according to LifeWay Research. Half of Protestant pastors polled by the research firm housed within the Southern Baptist Convention’s publishing arm said Pope Francis has affected their opinions…