By Bob Allen A judge in Cherokee County, Ala., has sentenced a former Southern Baptist youth minister to 10 years in prison for sex crimes, but it won’t add any time to the 15-year sentence he already received in another…
CBF pastor in Charleston says it’s time to get serious about guns, racism
By Bob Allen The pastor of the only Cooperative Baptist Fellowship church in Charleston, S.C., said Sunday morning that in light of last week’s deadly shooting at nearby Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church the time has come for churches to…
SBC’s Russell Moore: Take down the Confederate flag
By Bob Allen Southern Baptist Convention ethicist Russell Moore says for the sake of the gospel the time has arrived to take down the Confederate flag. Russell Moore, head of the SBC Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, said in a…
BJC speaker explains why many blacks cool to First Amendment
By Bob Allen Religious liberty doesn’t mean much to people who are physically enslaved, an African-American preacher reminded a predominantly white audience at an annual Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty banquet that this year coincided with the holiday celebrated…
Ebola victim’s fiancée speaks at BNG’s annual event
By Bob Allen The fiancée of the first man to die of Ebola in the United States says the tragic story of love, war and quarantine was too complicated for a newspaper story or TV news segment to fully tell,…
CBF partner school earns accreditation
By Bob Allen Baptist Seminary of Kentucky, one of 15 theological-education partners with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, has been accredited by the Association of Theological Schools, seminary President Greg Earwood announced June 19. “We celebrate with great joy the achievement…
Pastor friends agree to disagree on homosexuality
By Bob Allen Two Cooperative Baptist Fellowship pastors who have been friends for 30 years say it’s possible to disagree — even disagree strongly — on homosexuality and still remain friends. “You can advocate on these things without being polarizing,” Steve Wells,…
BNG honors Marv Knox for lifetime achievement
By Bob Allen Baptist News Global honored veteran Baptist journalist Marv Knox for “courage, moral integrity and truth-telling” across a career spanning more than three decades at a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly auxiliary event June 18. BNG board chair…
CBF prays for victims in S.C. church shooting
By Bob Allen The first order of business for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship June 18 was prayer for victims in Wednesday’s deadly shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C. Prior to a Thursday morning business session of…