By Bob Allen The Southern Baptist Convention agency that provides insurance for denominational employees filed a lawsuit Oct. 11 claiming the Affordable Care Act violates the religious liberty of faith-based organizations that do not meet the government’s narrow definition of…
SBC agency sues against Obamacare
By Bob Allen The Southern Baptist Convention agency that provides insurance for denominational employees filed a lawsuit Oct. 11 claiming the Affordable Care Act violates the religious liberty of faith-based organizations that do not meet the government’s narrow definition of…
BGCT chaplains won’t wed gay couples
By Bob Allen Military chaplains endorsed by the Baptist General Convention of Texas cannot officiate at same-sex marriage ceremonies, according to new guidelines announced Oct. 9. According to a news release, the Texas Baptist Chaplaincy Relations Office issued guiding principles…
Blogger: SBC leaders ignoring abuse decree
By Bob Allen A Georgia pastor and blogger says denominational officials are ignoring a resolution adopted at this year’s Southern Baptist Convention calling for a zero-tolerance policy toward the sexual abuse of children in churches. Peter Lumpkins, who blogs at…
American Baptist staffer elected BJC chair
By Bob Allen Curtis Ramsey-Lucas, managing director of resource development for American Baptist Home Mission Societies, has been elected chair of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty’s board of directors. Ramsey-Lucas’ agency is part of American Baptist Churches USA,…
Alumni voice concern over La. College
By Bob Allen A group of Louisiana College alumni and former students, faculty and staff found high levels of concern about the Baptist school founded in 1906 in an online survey of Louisiana Baptist clergy and college trustees released Oct….
Alumni voice concern over La. College
By Bob Allen A group of Louisiana College alumni and former students, faculty and staff found high levels of concern about the Baptist school founded in 1906 in an online survey of Louisiana Baptist clergy and college trustees released Oct….
C.J. Mahaney returning to SEBTS
By Bob Allen A Calvinist preacher named in a lawsuit alleging what has been termed the largest evangelical sex-abuse scandal to date is scheduled to speak at an upcoming collegiate conference on the campus of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. C.J….
Expert: Church waking up to abuse
By Bob Allen An expert who recently told a group of journalists that evangelicals are worse than Catholics when it comes to reporting sexual abuse by clergy added in a radio interview that he believes that is starting to change….