By Bob Allen The American Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma has filed a judicial complaint against a Southern Baptist judge who required a teenager to attend church for 10 years as a condition of probation for manslaughter. The complaint filed…
Pastor charged with sexual battery
By Bob Allen A 71-year-old Southern Baptist pastor in northern Mississippi is in jail on $1 million bond on charges of sexual battery of a child. Larry Singleton, pastor of Bay Springs Baptist Church in Abbeville, Miss., was arrested by…
Senate rejects UN disabilities treaty
By Bob Allen Religious Right leaders claimed victory Dec. 4 after Senate Democrats failed to muster a two-thirds vote necessary to join a United Nations treaty modeled after the Americans With Disabilities Act establishing international standards for the rights of…
BWA Human Rights Day Dec. 9
By Bob Allen Timed nearest to the anniversary of the Dec. 10, 1948, adoption of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights, Human Rights Day has been sponsored for more than 20 years by the Baptist World Alliance. This year the…
Fiscal cliff talks worry charities
By Bob Allen Representatives of the Charitable Giving Coalition, comprised of about 600 organizations including some of America’s most active charities, descend on Capitol Hill Dec. 4 for two days of lobbying members of Congress about making sure that any…
Poll: Most favor contraceptive mandate
By Bob Allen Nearly two out of three American adults believe businesses and organizations should be required to provide contraceptive coverage in their employee health-care plans, even if it violates the employer’s religious beliefs, according to a recent survey by…
‘Complementarianism’ costs Cru director
By Bob Allen The director of University of Louisville’s chapter of Cru, formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ, has been demoted after refusing to allow female staff to teach Bible studies to mixed-gender audiences. According to World Magazine, Daniel…
Nigerian Baptist pastors killed in bombing
By Bob Allen The head of the Baptist World Alliance protested continuing violence in Nigeria that recently claimed the lives of two Baptist pastors. BWA General Secretary Neville Callam said Nov. 30 he is “deeply concerned about the continuing attacks…
Advent devotions start Sunday
By Bob Allen This year’s Following the Star, daily online Advent devotionals offered free of charge by Passport, Inc., begins Sunday, Dec. 2, with daily meditations accessible at Passport, a youth camping ministry formed in 1993, launched Following the…