I’ve known churches that have been on the frontlines of every concern of justice, congregations in which you could well assume nearly everyone is voting for the same candidate at the top of the ticket, churches in which no controversial…
I left the pastorate while still loving it
Leaving the pastorate of my congregation in June was the hardest vocational decision I’ve yet had to make. After reading Alexander Lang’s recent article, “Departure: Why I Left the Church,” I wanted to write about leaving my church while still…
Here’s something to try on for size: Talk about things that are ‘more-than-human’
In our world of ecological precarity, I’ve been exploring what it would mean to move beyond doing environmental justice, to living in a different relationship with beings beyond the human. I think about this relationship both with those beings we…
‘We can’t breathe’: an apt Pentecost prayer for white Christians
Now more than ever, we need that Breath in our bodies, that fire in our bones, that vision of an otherwise possibility that bespeaks sheer revolution and not a measured tinkering with a supposedly “broken system.”
Cyborg discipleship: boundary-crossing through COVID-19 and beyond
While we wait to gather again physically, we can ask: How are we experiencing the Spirit’s movement in our cyberspaces of worship, inviting us to cross boundaries between human, machine, more-than-human, the physical and the non-physical?
Church and the coronavirus: practicing compassion and care even as we take precautions
I hope churches and other faith communities will find ways to celebrate the call to care for one another, even in – perhaps especially in – times of planetary peril.
CBF & LGBTQ Baptists: Thanks for the Illumination
Illumination makes things clearer for those willing to look where the light is shining. And these are a few lessons I’ve learned from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Illumination Project.
Evangelicals are killing LGBTQ youth from the inside out — soul first
The signatories of the Nashville Statement see this as a fight for the soul of evangelicalism. But in reality, this is a struggle for the souls of our LGBTQ family and friends and neighbors.
Being sanctuary: Calling churches to holy risk
Practicing faith in community involves helping cultivate imagination for the possibility of living life beyond the restrictive dictates of an oppressive status quo and then faithfully living into that holy vision together. In Harvard Square these days, this means the…