Martin Luther King Jr. knew that the fight for justice and equality must continue, but he also knew that no protest or law or court battle can change a heart. What can is love, but not just any kind of love.
How ‘keeping the peace’ can be an obstacle to true peace
Allegiance to Jesus’ kind of Kingdom will inevitably cause division with those who have different priorities. Peacemakers get in the way of warmongers. Justice hinders the power-brokers. Mercy impedes revenge.
One simple way to tell real persecution from persecution complex (and why we have to get this right)
There is one simple and relatively reliable way to distinguish real persecution or marginalization: personal examples.
If a person can provide multiple, real life, personal examples of how they or their community have fallen victim to abuse, harassment or exclusion, based on who they are and with little recourse and choice, then it’s likely the real deal. If generalities are all a person can give in response, or if they return to a few isolated incidents that are not systemic, then it is likely manufactured (and likely stoked by certain media outlets).
Pastors, politics and parishioners: Thoughts for engaging the issues
From Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority to William Barber II’s Moral Mondays, the last few decades in American life have seen a bolder and different kind of pairing of between the religious and the political, on all points of the spectrum.
In the aftermath of massacre, a tribute to the true savior
In these troubled times, we now pay tribute to our savior. It is in you we find our safety and security. It is to you we run when we are threatened; when our enemies come against our children and our families, we turn to you.
Be careful how close you let Jesus get to real life
Especially when there’s cultural debate around a particular issue, people get trolled, families split apart, and pastors get fired when you start asking how we can take Jesus seriously.
Why it matters that we must make disciples, not converts
For those of us who grew up in Southern Baptist or other evangelical circles, “revival” is a well-known phenomenon, especially for those older than I am. Some remember “big tent revivals.” Others remember special guest weekend preachers at their churches,…
Braving the small room: Opportunity and challenge for American Baptists
A black gospel violinist. A Puerto Rican receiving a historic selection for a top board position. A fiery, 60-year-old Native American woman preacher. A Korean-born man newly appointed as the director of a doctor of ministry program. A young adult…
Seeing God (a short tale)
A devout, Christian man was told that he was going to be given an opportunity of a lifetime: he was going to get the chance to see God. He did everything he could to prepare for the occasion. He spent…