Speaking passionately and personally, we pastors are for Texas children, and we are alarmed at the language and legislation coming from some of the most powerful people in our land. It attacks neighborhood and community schools and the dedicated, faithful…
Presbyterian World Mission funding gap may force recall of 40 mission co-workers by 2017
Texas public schools are not ‘Godless environment’
Southern Baptist bloggers bullied leader to disinvite Ben Carson
Want to do something about income inequality? Start tipping more.
‘Duck Dynasty’ keeps tax break as Jindal cuts Louisiana colleges
Muslims denounce Garland shooting; condemn violence
Whose group sponsored provocative Muhammad cartoon contest?
Want millennials back in the pews? Stop trying to make church ‘cool.’
Rachel Held Evans is a blogger and the author of “Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church.” Bass reverberates through the auditorium floor as a heavily bearded worship leader pauses to invite the congregation, bathed in the light…