The movie “Spotlight” has received six Oscar nominations, including best picture, and on February 28 when the Oscars are presented, clergy sex abuse survivors all across the country will be watching and cheering. The story focuses on the Boston Globe…
Minister accepts congressional medal for civil rights marchers
Spotlight: Lessons to be learned
Meet the incredible woman chosen to lead Mother Emanuel Church after last year’s shooting
How Ted Cruz lost the evangelical vote
Why it is heresy to read the Bible literally: An interview with John Shelby Spong
Why evangelicals are born again for Donald Trump
Religious broadcasters take a peek at Museum of the Bible collection
Calling a different kind of pastor
Forbes Magazine shared 5 Hiring Trends to Watch last week which are especially helpful when translated to hiring trends for pastors. As I work with congregations seeking new pastoral leadership, it often feels like we are looking for pastors who fulfill dated…