Steve Carell starred as The 40-Year-Old Virgin. If someone made a movie of my life this year, they could call it The 40-Year-Old Seminarian. After 23 years in public ministry, 17 of them as pastor, and 10 as the lead…
North Korea sentences Canadian pastor to hard labor for life
Pastor recovering from accidental gunshot in firearm-safety class
Did religious universities just get a license to discriminate?
Mormons are all for female ordination, survey shows, but there’s a catch
Anti-Muslim rhetoric puts Sikhs on edge too
On religious liberty: an open letter to Franklin Graham
Dear Mr Graham, This week someone who has put himself forward as a candidate for the presidency of your great nation made a number of hate-filled and inaccurate comments about Muslims, and proposed some extreme policies on the back of…
Here’s one Dallas voice that tackled hate head-on
It’s tempting to wonder sometimes where in the world good sense and decency have gone. Why does panicky anti-Muslim hatred seem to command center stage so often? Why do people let hatred fill up their heads and infect their hearts?…