Earlier this week I sent a text with a Thanksgiving message to my friend Samer Altaaba, Lubbock’s Syrian-born imam who immigrated to the United States a decade and a half ago. I wanted him to know I was thinking of…
One Abraham or three? The conversation between three faiths
Vatican puts journalists on trial over leaks book
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church to remove images of Confederate flags
How America’s demographic revolution reached the church
A congregation tries to help a Syrian family settle in the US
Thanksgiving thoughts
Thanksgiving Thoughts In the United States this Thursday, November 26 (2015) is a holiday called “Thanksgiving Day.” I won’t bore with the history except to say it commemorates the survival of the English settlers, usually called “Pilgrims,” of Plymouth Colony,…
‘Jesus was a refugee’: An irrelevant argument
The massive right-wing opposition to the U.S. receiving Syrian refugees is deplorable, and those speaking out in favor of showing compassion for such refugees are to be commended. It is also praiseworthy that many of the latter are Christians, even…