Many years ago, I read a comic novel in which one character’s hobby was described as “leaping to the defense of ….” We United Methodists are sometimes accused of the same predilection, of being theologically and spiritually wired to stand…
One quarter of U.S. United Methodist churches have disaffiliated
Final statistics for churches exiting The United Methodist Church show more similarities than differences between congregations that left the denomination and those that stayed, along with sustained identity trends among 7,600 departing churches — 25% of the UMC’s 30,000 churches…
United Methodists set sexual ethics policies and procedures others could follow
If concerned church leaders want to protect their congregations against the kind of sexual misconduct uncovered recently at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock, Ark., they must make sexual ethics a priority, United Methodist leaders who helped create their denomination’s…
‘Just Like Me’ VBS aims to teach acceptance and community
Facing a violent world of prejudice and hatred, concerned Christians have searched long and hard for children’s curricula that teach values of empathy and inclusion. Now an organization historically focused on church political advocacy has taken a new path, producing…
‘Blue Christmas’ services aim to bring comfort, hope
It’s hard for to say the words “Blue Christmas” without hearing the late Elvis Presley’s rich baritone voice. Elvis isn’t credited with starting the liturgical trend with his 1957 hit song, but “Blue Christmas” services have increased significantly among United…
United Methodists will decide realigning church’s structure, authority in 2024
For the first time in half a century, acceptance of sexual minorities isn’t likely to be the major issue coming before The United Methodist Church’s worldwide legislative assembly next spring. Instead, the looming political fight appears to be how to…
Effective social justice ministry needs relationships first, UMC pastors say
Pastors who want to inspire their congregations to social justice action will be more effective when they follow John Wesley’s model to establish relationships with church members and learn their needs, say experienced preachers. Stephanie Arnold and Kendall L. McBroom…
United Methodist bishops called to craft ‘narrative of hope’ amid harsh break-up realities
The president of the United Methodist Council of Bishops called his sibling episcopal leaders to “craft a narrative of hope” in the coming months before the 12-million-member worldwide denomination gathers next spring for its first legislative assembly since the UMC…
‘Reaffiliation’ policy seeks to welcome home exited UMC churches
While U.S. annual conferences are going through the throes of more painful disaffiliations through the end of 2023, one regional unit’s board of trustees has set up a way for churches that have left to rejoin The United Methodist Church….