Seminaries should be religious science labs that help prepare leaders for the ever evolving work of the Holy Spirit in congregational life.
Tired of Christians ruining the name of Christ? A Turkish bath with strangers improved my outlook
Today, Christians in America tend to find ourselves in two reactionary camps: those into apologetics and those into apologies. Both sides come from a stance of fear. If we continue reacting from our defensive postures, then we have learned nothing from scripture, tradition, human experience or, God forbid, the Holy Spirit.
CBF’s general assembly: less Baptist baloney, more Baptist babies
The nutritional makeup of these annual gatherings normally consists of 10 percent awkward side hugs, 20 percent irrelevant breakout sessions, 30 percent over-priced, low-value luncheons and 40 percent whitewashed worship services. However, at recent assemblies I’ve noticed a decrease of Baptist baloney and an increase of Baptist babies.
A coffee mug and a heated conversation saved me from my self-righteous view of patriarchy
For thousands of years a lie has been promoted by the powerhouse religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, often with the wedding and bedding of religion and state. The lie said, “Patriarchy works for everyone – especially men.” But the truth is patriarchy doesn’t work for everyone – even men.
What if the monsters we love to hate became the people we love to help?
Jesus says “love you enemies,” and I say, “Christ, of course I love my enemies. I love to hate them.” Heroes love to hate monsters, for without a monster to conquer, who would feed our egos?
After a shoot-from-the-hip email, this skeptical pastor sits face to face with CBF’s new CEO
Will there be a place in CBF life for folks like me? Armed for bear, a skeptical pastor sits down for coffee and conversation with the new leader of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Here’s what she discovered.
A letter to my ‘future self’: Go deep. Dare to fail. Discover new truth below.
A letter to my ‘future self’ has 3 suggestions: Do less and be more. Slow down. Go deep.
When women become pastors: Walls fall and ceilings shatter
Those who have voiced their worry about women wandering into leadership roles were right. The presence, voices and leadership of women will bring down walls, the false pillars of faith. These walls give the illusion of control, the illusion of comfort and even the illusion of God’s redemptive work.
Congregational serial killers are tearing apart unsuspecting churches
Over the past quarter of a century individuals in the greater Baptist community have used their masks of charm and kindness to prey upon vulnerable Baptist bodies. Congregational serial killers are often pastors, convention leaders and denominational presidents placing themselves in pulpits of power and swinging the emotions of the church to align with their lethal agendas.