An occasional compilation of events from around the religious world. To suggest items for inclusion, email assistant editor Jeff Brumley at [email protected]. Mercer on Mission reaches prosthetic milestone in Vietnam Mercer University’s Mercer on Mission program has fitted its 10,000th Vietnamese…
U.S. not only place where ‘nones’ on the rise
Looks like you don’t have to be American or European to give up on religion. And the same is especially true for young adults, who are becoming “nones” around the planet just as they are in the U.S., according to…
‘Zero-tolerance’ support thrusts Sessions into Methodist justice process
The political uproar over the separation of immigrant children from their parents at the southern border may have halted the Trump administration policy. There are even reports that some families have been reunited. But the theological uproar created when Attorney…
Churches must ‘count the cost’ of pursuing youth on social media
Youth have abandoned Facebook in favor of other social media platforms. Data recently released by the Pew Research Center shows Facebook rates fourth behind YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat among young people. So, should churches with strong Facebook presences follow younger…
Baptist women share struggles, triumphs in life and ministry at BNG dinner
Dinner, dessert and fellowship, it turned out, were only appetizers at the Friends of BNG Annual Fund Dinner.
Let go of buildings or face extinction, scholar warns struggling churches
Churches have come up with some creative ways to stay in their buildings in an era of plummeting membership and revenue. But many others – estimates range from 4,000 to 7,000 a year – are just plain going out of…
Emerging Gen Z may deliver huge blow to religion in U.S.
It looks like Gen Z, the age group with older members just now graduating from high school, wants as little or less from religious organizations than their Millennial predecessors. That may come as little surprise to churches, nonprofits and businesses…
Religion Notes: Spelling bee champ clinches with word most evangelicals already know
Koinonia, one of the most popular Greek words in the English-speaking evangelical world, made a splashy return to the limelight during the 2018 Scripps National Spelling Bee.
Infant mortality rates higher in areas dominated by conservative Protestants, study says
Conservative Christians may not be as pro-life as they believe. Newly published research has found that American counties with higher proportions of conservative and fundamentalist Protestants experience higher rates of infant mortality. The study, “Religion and Infant Mortality in the…