The No. 1 contemporary Christian radio station in America, which broadcasts in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, built its reputation on a simple slogan years ago: “Safe and fun for the whole family.” And that’s great for a radio station, even…
The fake out: Why it matters that some Christians are embracing fake news
Whether Christians are on the giving end or the receiving end of fake news, the false narratives emerge as a coping mechanism against losing face, losing power and losing privilege.
Seven reasons social media is dividing America today
Everyone knows America is a deeply divided nation: Trump supporters versus Trump critics, Republicans versus Democrats, traditionalists versus progressives, Yankees fans versus everyone else. But another deep divide is emerging in the midst of all this: The proper use of…
Isn’t there a third way through our disagreements?
As a child of the Depression, my mother developed two guiding principles that on the surface might seem at odds with each other. She lived her entire life in fear of not having enough resources. And yet she valued sharing…
On immigration, Franklin Graham is dead wrong
Franklin Graham is dead wrong about immigration, refugees and the Bible. And his comments will have deadly consequences. And by the way, if you support Samaritan’s Purse and its Operation Christmas Child next December, you will be supporting Graham’s kind…
The greatest challenge your pastor will face in 2017
Pastors across America will face a common challenge in 2017, and it could be you. Not that you’re a bad person or mean. But the greatest challenge for your pastor in this new year could be you — if you…
If you’re not outraged …
Several years ago, a bumper sticker popped up here and there that said, “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.” We need to print up some more of those for times like these. Love him or hate him, you’ve…
Don’t blame Trump for your bad behavior
Kids don’t show up at school and suddenly say racist things to their classmates because of who won a presidential election; most often they repeat what they’ve heard at home. College students don’t suddenly start yelling racial epithets on a…
It’s an odd time to be a male
I like to think of myself as a “sensitive” male. That doesn’t mean I always live up to my own billing, I’m sure. But it’s what I want to think about myself. After all, I’ve never groped a woman, never…